Agence Les Palmiers is an independent real estate firm, working in full transparency and has chosen not to belong to any network, nor to any national or regional real estate group.
This approach ensures us a perfect freedom of action and decision, to meet the expectations of our co-owners, to listen to them, to consult them, but also to ensure them an effective, rigorous, simplified and personalized management of their property.
Our contract of syndic in conformity with the model imposed by the legislator is systematically proposed for a duration of one year, renewable each year in general assembly (except specific request of the co-ownership for a contract of 2 years or 3 years).
Our commitments to our co-owners include :
Rigorous and Transparent Management
- • A local manager dedicated to the management of your Residence.
- • Regular visits to your building
- • The treatment of the requests of the co-owners, the management of the breakdowns and incidents.
- • An online customer area
- • The preparation and holding of union council meetings.
- • The preparation and the holding of the general assemblies with drafting of the convocations and the Minutes.
The Preservation of Your Heritage
- • Administration, maintenance of common areas, improvement and regulatory compliance of your building.
- • An effective presence at insurance appraisals in the context of claims
- • The follow-up and the reception of the works voted in general assembly
- • The advice and the implementation of preventive maintenance actions of the managed units.
- • The follow-up of the agreements signed by the syndic of co-ownership (optical fiber, EDF agreement...).
Controlling Your Costs
- • Negotiation of the most accurate estimates with the various suppliers in order to optimize the amount and distribution of your condominium fees
- • The proper application of supplier contracts and the follow-up of invoices.
- • A transparent cost of charges situation communicated to all co-owners.
- • Accounting management of budgets and control of balance sheets.
- • Management of unpaid co-owner files
We hope that L'Agence Les Palmiers will reconcile you with the profession of syndic.
Our team is at your disposal Monday to Saturday
from 9am to 12:30pm and from 2pm to 6pm

customer area - extranet